Monday, November 3, 2008

Some keys to succeed in trading

Some keys to succeed in trading

I am not here meter technology trading.Just rules of behavior that I respect; rules that respect, I think, those who succeed in trading.

1.Succeed in trading, it means money.The only way to make money in trading, here is to win.
This is the best advice that we never lose.I said when I asked him a question in an apartment on one of these techniques.He looked at me straight in the eye, fixedly. And he said "wins".

Good, now normally a good portion of people who read here must think I'm crazy. Obviously a bit dopey and write this ...
But the council is the key single trader properly.

Now you know that for successful trader, you have to ask a simple question.How can win?
As it is almost impossible to win every time, I is the key.How can statistically winner?
Personal, I averaged 4 / 5 winner trades.The good days, when the market is how I understand, so I can even make 100% good days.
Just as I rely on my statistics for overall win, you must do the same.

2.A key to successful trader, those most traders beginning, amateurs and even professionals is to try to use indicators.
Indicators are essential.
Attention, an indicator does, in fact, that what we want to find.
Basically, half of the indicators are indicators of trend.The other half of the indicators is "no trend".
An RSI will indicate such an over-buying that one when you launch a MACD signal to buy.

About the indicators is essential but not sufficient.And mostly no case (in any case, I think) it is possible to achieve superb performance by simply using indicators.

Make use of indicators but afterwards to understand how you are.In no case to initiate a position.Go from there to initiate scenarios.AS A DISABLED SCENARIO IS NOT IT STILL VALID.

3.Another point, another key to correctly trader trader is "cool, relax, relax."
- Under no circumstances do you have to put in a situation where you have constraints that pollute your mind when you trade.
- No time constraints either. If you know you will be forced out of position because of external factors. Ne tradez pas. Do not trade.
-Specifically, what does it mean?it means, do NOT put in a position to take a position too high in relation to your active, or even your habits.Increase its commitment is climbing gradually in the means also retain an option means.
I About a ratio of 4 / 5 winners and I keep at least one opportunity to average at least 3 times here leaves me a ratio of error of 0.8% ... But given the rules of engagement I left in these cases, most of the time I get out very well.
- Always take time.
You should never initiate a position on a whim.
Always take a day off when you return from vacation.
Never take a position to be able to understand "the soul of the market."

- Never be a follower
In trading, the followers are the big losers.Never do you have to say "ah, here goes up, I buy, where, ah decline here, I sell."
Or, if you say, do not.
... Moreover, most of the time, the market situations upward or downward acceleration precisely the turning points.
ALWAYS take into account your scenario to watch the behavior of the market. Video:Trading Options Lab: Overview & The Key To Success (1 of 2 )